all postcodes in SY1 / SHREWSBURY

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Postcode Area

SY / Shrewsbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SY1 1AA 1 1 52.713145 -2.749116
SY1 1BN 25 21 52.709599 -2.752578
SY1 1BP 3 3 52.709617 -2.752534
SY1 1BU 15 12 52.708738 -2.754426
SY1 1BW 16 11 52.709599 -2.752578
SY1 1BX 7 5 52.708867 -2.754504
SY1 1BY 14 8 52.708891 -2.754919
SY1 1DB 3 1 52.708383 -2.754274
SY1 1DD 1 1 52.708421 -2.753905
SY1 1DG 1 1 52.708345 -2.754554
SY1 1DL 30 21 52.708613 -2.750681
SY1 1DN 10 8 52.708342 -2.753711
SY1 1DP 18 7 52.708699 -2.752666
SY1 1DQ 12 7 52.70874 -2.753303
SY1 1DS 2 2 52.70888 -2.752001
SY1 1DW 28 0 52.709098 -2.750704
SY1 1DX 9 2 52.708953 -2.751795
SY1 1DY 35 0 52.708627 -2.750679
SY1 1DZ 13 3 52.70824 -2.751341
SY1 1EB 7 3 52.708023 -2.751529